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photography 2008 - ridgeway

one of the highlights of last year for me was walking the ridgeway, an 87 mile long hike following an ancient chalk ridge route used by prehistoric man. it was a truly inspiring place for photography. at the time i was starting to regret taking my girlfriends medium format camera besides my beloved olympus om10, but now looking back it was worth lugging that's chunky brick of a camera around.

black and white and medium format photography from the ridgeway 2008.

these two photographs below are clearly not from the ridgeway but at the beginning of one of the films, thought they were interesting and worth a look.

standing in the eye of the white horse on the hill. the mystery of why the horse was created still remains. it can only be seen fully from the air, so perhaps it was a sign to the ancient gods, or a mark of territorial ownership.