when i'm sculpting the silhouette is always my main focus. i love to have strong shapes and lines within the form of the peice that work with and sometimes against each other. i take the same approach with my sculpting as i do with drawing, painting or photography, you've got to have shapes and tones working off each other. i like to create contrast yet a natrual flow to the peice, with crisp lines working their way through the face. of course you're creating a character, it needs to come to life! its just amazing how the slightist tweak of the model can completely change the personality of the character, whether you shrink the eyes, push up the nose, strengthen the jaw, it never ends.

with this character, called dan, i sculpted him in mudbox, my preferred program. mudbox just seems to have more weight to it, you feel more like you're moving around clay rather the polygons. i'm not really into the whole super crazy high poly detail, i find it hard to get creatively excited about pours and ever little wrinkle.

these unfinished, untextured bust sculptures are more like 3d sketches, giving me a chance to try out different styles and ideas. there's not much planning invovled, a couple of quick drawings then i jump into mudbox with a very basic mesh of a head, and the peice just evolves.
this particular sculpture probably took about two hours.
dan - character sculpture turnaround
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a character sculpture called dan.